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2014-11-17 美西港壅費 及重要訊息 請務必耐心詳閱 美西各家船商醞釀徵收港口壅塞費

各地進口至美國西岸 (西南+西北)  TACOMA/ SEATTLE/ PORT LAND/ LOS ANGELES/ LONG BEACH/ OAKLAND 船商醞釀徵收港口壅塞費  PCS (Port Congestion Surcharge) NYK EMC HYUNDAI YML 已經確定在目的港徵收 此費用且以 船到港日 11/17 生效

此費用屬於美國目的港費用 (destination local charge) 收取對象為收貨人 ( 不受incoterm 制約 ) 如果收貨人確實被徵收港壅費費用不得異議也不得拒絕付款更不得轉向出貨商徵收 ! 請大家務必義務善加告知您的美國客戶此徵收訊息,  雖與出口商看似無直接關聯 , 但實際上進出口貿易往來各方面條件影響頗大

以下徵收 FCL 費率 :
USD$ 800/20’
USD$ 1000/40’
USD$ 1125/40’HC
USD$ 1265/45'

CFS 費率則依據出貨量 CBM/TON 均攤徵收
例 : USD1000/40 港壅費 除以 50CBM = USD20 / 每材積 or ton 收取

Effective Date:
All vessels arriving US West Coast Ports on or after 17th Nov 2014 (0001hrs US Pacific Standard Time)

至於美國西岸 (西南+西北) 當地出口貨物則將徵收美國出口商港口壅塞費 PCS (Port Congestion Surcharge)~以下美國代理訊息 :

Please urgently be informed that USWC port congestion fee will be applied for Export cargo (W/B) as well per below & attached notice.Due to the increased expenses associated with prolonged port congestion and labor issues, our operating costs have escalated substantially at all US West Coast ports over many months. Therefore, we find it necessary to implement the following congestion surcharge that is effective on all cargo received on or after November 17, 2014.

For 20 foot units $240/unit
For 40ft std/ 40ft HC/45ft units $300/unit